tisdag 11 januari 2011

Shakira and Antonio: Over/Slut

It's offical that Shakira and her boyfriend(since 11 years back) have broken up. She wrote on her website yesterday, read what she had to say:

Det är officiellt att Shakira och hennes pojkvän(sedan 11 år tillbaka) har gjort slut. Hon skrev på sin hemsida igår, läs här vad hon hade att säga. Jag orkade inte översätta det.

Dear Friends,

During our almost 11 years together we have loved each other deeply, taken care of each other and stood by one another. They have been the most wonderful years of our lives, and thanks to that love and the respect that we share for one another we have been an exceptional couple and partners.

However, since August 2010, we made a mutual decision to take time apart from our romantic relationship. Throughout this time we have continued to work together hand in hand, have remained close and have kept the details absolutely private until now.

We view this period of separation as temporary and as a time of individual growth as we continue to be partners in our business and professional lives.

Antonio continues to oversee and conduct my business and career interests as he has always done. We move forward as partners, developing projects together, working hand in hand and in close communication. Our friendship and understanding of one another is unwavering and indestructible.

We would like to advise that we will not be giving interviews or making more statements with respect to this matter and we appreciate in advance your understanding and respect during this sensitive time in our lives.

Shakira and Antonio

torsdag 6 januari 2011

Best of Shakira/Det bästa av Shakira: Inevitable live!

Tour of the mongoose. Shakira with her guitar and her voice, this is just the way it's supose to be.

Tour of the mongoose. Shakira med hennes gitarr och hennes röst. Det är så här det ska vara.

The look of the day/ Dagens outfit


"I remember all the times before
When we could spend our living
Staring at the ceiling, lying on the floor
My vocabulary wasn't broad
I spoke so little English
That the word "stress" would
Sound like something odd"

From the song 'Dreams for Plans'

Från låten 'Dreams for Plans'

onsdag 5 januari 2011

The picture of the day/ Dagens bild

A picture of Shakira and P!nk at the Mtv Music Award. They wore the same dress, haha. Glad they just laughed about it and didn't get angry.

En bild på Shakira och P!nk på Mtv Music Awards. Dom hade på sig samma klänning, haha. Glad att dom skrattade åt det och inte vart arga.

Best of Shakira/Det bästa av Shakira: Acapella

Here's a videos of Shakira singing different songs acapella. Her voice is the best!

här är en video av Shakira när hon sjunger olika låtar acapella. Hennes röst är den bästa!

tisdag 4 januari 2011


"I'd rather eat my soup with a fork
Or drive a cab in New York
Cuz to talk to you is harder work
So what's the point of wasting all my words
If it's just the same or even worse
Than reading poems to a horse"

Sometimes i'm gonna put up parts of Shakiras amazing lyrics here, not the whole lyrics of a song, but just parts of it. This lyric is from the song 'Poems to a horse' from the album 'Laundry Service'.

Ibland kommer jag lägga upp delar av Shakiras fantastiska texter här, inte hela texterna av låtar utan bara delar av det. Den här texten kommer från låten 'Pems to a horse' från albumet 'Laundry Service.

The look of the day/ Dagens outfit

The look of the day, is a thing when i put up outfits that shakira has worn.

Dagens outfit, är en grej när jag lägger upp snygga outfits Shakira har haft på sig.

New years/ Nyår

Videos/Photos when Shakira's performing Ojos Así, Waka Waka and Hips don't lie in china on new years. She looks lovely as always.

Videos/Bilder från när Shakira uppträdde Ojos Así, Waka Waka och Hips don't lie i kina på nyårsafton. Hon ser underbar ut som vanligt.

Best of Shakira/Det bästa av Shakira: Costume makes the clown live!

Best of Shakira is a thing whenever i want to put up a video of Shakira. It can be a musicvideo, an interview, a live performances or something else. I'm gonna start with a great song by shakira, i really love Shakiras rock-side. This song is sooo good and she's only performed this ones.

Det bästa av Shakira är en grej när jag kan lägga upp videosar på/av Shakira. Det kan vara e musikvideo, en intervju, ett uppträdande eller något annat. Jag börjar med en jättebra låt av Shakira, jag älskar verkligen Shakira's rock-sida. Låten är jättebraaa och hon har bara uppträtt den en gång.

The picture of the day/ Dagens bild

What's happening right now/ Vad som händer just nu

Since this blog is new i'm gonna start with telling you a little bit where Shakira is in her career. Shakira's new album Sale el Sol/ The sun comes out came out a few months ago and right now she's on her world tour, right now in Europe. Her first single from this album was 'Loca' and her second will be 'Sale el Sol', wich came out yesterday. But now we're waiting for the video.

Eftersom den här bloggen är ny kommer jag börja med att berätta lite vart Shakira är i sin karriär. Shakiras nya album Sale el Sol/ The sun comes out släpptes gör några månader sen och just nu är hon på sin världsturné, just nu i Europa. Hennes första singel var 'Loca' och hennes andra är 'Sale el Sol' vilket kom ut igår. Men nu väntar vi bara på videon.


Hello and welcome to my Shakira "fansite". I write all the latest news about her, and i also put up old videos, pictures and much more. I hope you like it and will continue reading it.

Hej och välkomna till min Shakira fanblogg. Här skriver jag dom senaste nyheterna om henne, men jag lägger också upp gamla videosar, bilder och mycket annat. Hoppas du gillar den och fortsätter läsa den.
Puss och kram.